Italian Studies

Sara Colantuono

Visiting Assistant Professor
Research Interests Feminism and Cultural Memory, Carla Lonzi, Postwar Italian Feminist Theory and Activism, 20th Century Italian Literature, Postwar Italian Art


Sara Colantuono (Ph.D., 2024) is an Italian Studies scholar and a translator. Her dissertation, The Catholic Matrix of Italian Feminism: from Carla Lonzi to Michela Murgia, is an intellectual history of postwar Italian feminism that focuses on the unrecognized cultural  manifestations of a historically and geographically specific form of religious imaginary in the work of several Italian feminist theorists. Her new translation of Leopoldina Fortunati's 1981 book L’Arcano della riproduzione. Casalinghe, prostitute, operai e capitale is forthcoming with Verso. Her translations and scholarly work are forthcoming in a special issue of the Canadian journal Fillip dedicated to Fortunati and Lonzi, and in the collection of essays Italian Feminist Thought: Today and Tomorrow.